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Past Perfect Continuous

Foto do escritor: Ana AudiAna Audi

O quarto post da série dos Perfects! Hoje é a vez do Past Perfect Continuous, que é o passado do Present Perfect Continuous.

Se você não leu os post anteriores, recomendo a leitura na ordem para não ficar nenhuma dúvida.


Yesterday morning I got up and looked out of the window. (Ontem de manhã eu levantei e olhei pela janela.)

The sun was shining, but the ground was wet. (O sol estava brilhando, mas o chão estava molhado.) It had been raining. (Havia chovido) It was not raining when I looked out of the window, the sun was shining. But it had been raining before.That’s why the ground was wet. (Não estava chovendo quando olhei pela janela, mas havia chovido antes, por isso o chão estava molhado.)

Como é a estrutura das frases:

I/you/he/she/it/we/they + had + been + _ing

I/you/he/she/it/we/they + had not + been + _ing

Had + I/you/he/she/it/we/they + been + _ing?


A forma contraída de had é 'd.

A forma contraída de had not é hadn't.


  • When the boys came into the house, their clothes were dirty, their hair was untidy and one of them had a black eye.They had been fighting. (Quando os meninos entraram em casa, suas roupas estavam sujas, seus cabelos estavam bagunçados e um deles estava com um olho roxo. Eles estiveram brigando.)

  • I was very tired when I arrived home. I had been working hard all day. (Eu estava muito cansado quando cheguei em casa. Estive trabalhando muito o dia todo.)

  • Our game of tennis was interrupted.We had been playing for about half an hour when started to rain very heavily. (Nosso jogo de tênis foi interrompido. Estávamos jogando há meia hora aproximadamente quando começou a chover bem pesado.)

  • Josh gave up smoking two years ago. He’d been smoking for 30 years. (Josh parou de fumar dois anos atrás. Ele havia fumado por 30 anos.)

Compare o Past Perfect Continuous e o Present Perfect Continuous:

• I hope the bus comes soon. I’ve been waiting for 20 minutes. (Espero que o ônibus venha logo. Estou esperando há 20 minutos.)

• At last the bus came. I’d been waiting for 20 minutes. (Finalmente o ônibus veio. Estive esperando por 20 minutos.) • He’s out of breath. He has been running. (Ele está sem fôlego. Ele esteve correndo.) • He was out of breath. He had been running. (Ele estava sem fôlego. Ele havia estado correndo.)

Compare agora o Past Perfect Continuous e o Past Continuous:

It wasn’t raining when we went out.The sun was shining. But it had been raining, so the ground was wet.

Julie was sitting in an armchair watching television. She was tired because she had been working very hard.


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